
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Hooray! I did a Good For Once! · 6:57pm Oct 30th, 2020

It took a lot of effort in these trying times (and a few sleepless nights lately), but I've finally released my latest story, which will be updated (hopefully tomorrow... if not, the day after) for it's second part and conclusion.

It's another Apparition Amphitheater! One with a really cool concept that I hope you'll enjoy (come next chapter, at least). As always, please enjoy my work, and please leave your critique. I always appreciate the feedback!


Lots of Interesting Things Lately... · 9:03pm Apr 13th, 2023

Interesting to me, at least...

First off, my gaming hobby has been slowly expanding, and I've been really enjoying what's been coming. Starting off with Odin Sphere, I'm about halfway through completing the game, entering The Black Knight's chapter and having a blast. I know the story quite well after watching one of my favorite Youtuber's play it, but I can't help but re-visit it on my own terms. It's that good.

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Juuuuuust Submited a New Story · 8:43pm Oct 30th, 2017

I worked all weekend on it. All Saturday night, and from morning til bed on Sunday, non-stop. It's a new Apparition Amphitheater, and I'm kinda proud of it. Once it's approved, I hope you all enjoy. The first chapter will go up today soon, and tomorrow I'll post the last two chapters: one in the afternoon, and one at night.

Holy crap, i'm tired...

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Happy Nightmare Night! · 6:13pm Oct 31st, 2022

And Greetings to all of my readers. I hope you enjoyed my little treats this month. I worked quite hard to get all that writing and artwork done, and I honestly feel quite satisfied. That said, I certainly hope you enjoyed the artwork I made for Elements. Each piece was lovingly crafted to both exemplify the two characters featured as well as represent the tone of the arc, while simultaneously referencing a game's cover art that I quite liked.

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Happy Halloween! · 9:41am Oct 31st, 2023

And a Merry Nightmare Night to all! Live it up with sweets and scares, and celebrate the edge of the Autumn season, where the realms of the living and the dead are closest. I mean, that's what should be done, at least.

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Whellp... · 8:55am Nov 5th, 2016

I intended on uploading a story for Halloween, but because it didn't pass moderation (my own fault, cause I wanted to be a fancy dumbass) I had to fix the discrepancy and re-submit it. It just recently uploaded, and no one will ever see it... whatever, though. I just wanted it done. It's been in my "unsubmitted" section for such a long time, and I've always wanted to get it done, but never had the right motivation or drive.

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results